Information how to prepare a paper for IP2001 Procceding

General Information
Communications of the KMS accepts survey papers and review articles as well as research papers in pure and applied mathematics and published four times a year. All articles must be written in English or in Korean and will accepted for publication after review process. Authors of published paper will get 50 offprints free of charge and additional offprints can be supplied at cost.
Format of the paper
The first page of the manuscript must consist of a descriptive title and the author name(s) followed by the abstract with less than 300 words. The paper should also include the 2000 Mathematical Subject Classification by the AMS as a footnote, followed by a list of key words and phrase. References should be collected in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript and numbered consecutively. KMS prefers graphics in EPS format. The address(es) of the author(s) along with electronic address(es) should appear in the last page.
Copyright for each published paper is assumed to be transferred to the Korean Mathematical Society if and when the paper is accepted. By submitting a paper to this journal, the authors certify that the manuscript is not under consideration for publication by any other journals simutanenously.
TeX style information
(AMS-)LaTeX in amsart style or AMS-TeX in amsppt style is preferred format for quick production process. The following TeX headings will help you guess the final galley proof of your paper, which will be reduced 92% for publication.

[AMS-LaTeX] ==========================================

\setlength{\textwidth}{13.2 true cm}
\setlength{\textheight}{18.6 true cm}

\title{My Paper Title}
\author{My Name}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\ My University\\ So On}
\subjclass{Primary: 65A99; Secondary: 35X00}
\keywords{Inverse problems}
\thanks{The paper has been presented at the ip2001 workshop}

   Yes, I did it.

My paper is very short.

[AMS-TeX] ==========================================
\pagewidth{13.2 true cm}
\pageheight{18.6 true cm}

\title My Paper Title \endtitle
\author My Name \endauthor
\subjclass Primary: 65A99; Secondary: 35X00 \endsubjclass
\address Department of Mathematics, My University, So On. \endaddress
\email hey\@my.domain \endemail
\keywords Inverse problems \endkeywords
\thanks The paper has been presented at the ip2001 workshop \endthanks

   Yes, I did it.


My paper is very short.
