Linear Algebra I Syllabus (Spring 2023)
Professor: Yoonjin Lee
Text: Elementary Linear Algebra by Ron Larson (8th edition, Metric version), Cengage Learning 2017
Linear algebra with applications
by O. Bretscher, Prentice Hall
Linear algebra
by Jim Hefferon
(A free linear algebra text in
Contemporary Linear Algebra
by Howard Anton & Robert C. Busby, John, Wily & Sons, Inc
Linear Algebra by S. Friedberg et al (4th ed.), Pearson 2013
Course Description:
Throughout this course we study vector spaces, matrices,
linear transformations, systems of linear equations, determinants and so forth.
In detail, we begin with studying the systems of linear equations and matrices in Chapters 1 and 2.
Then we study the concept of determinants of matrices and vector spaces
in Chapters 3 and 4. We also study applications of inner product spaces
in Chapter 5 and linear transformations in Chapter 6.
Finally, we discuss eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear transformations in Chapter 7.
Course Outline:
Chapter 1. Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 2. Matrices
Chapter 3. Determinants
Chapter 4. Vector Spaces
Chapter 5. Inner Product Spaces
Chapter 6. Linear Transformations
Chapter 7. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Grading Scheme:
HW Assignments: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Midterm: 35%
Final Exam: 40%
Attendance (class and TA session): 5 %
Schedule of Exams: Midterm Exam: April 17, 2023 (Mon.) Final Exam: June 14, 2020 (Wed.)
Grades and policy:
* You will be evaluated throughout the
whole semester by means of one midterm exam, a comprehensive final exam, quizzes and weekly homeworks.
* Attendance of class and TA session is very important to complete the course.
* Make-up exams and make-up quizzes will not be given.
* No late homeworks and projects will be accepted.
Class expectations:
Students are expected to attend all the
lectures. You have to spend enough time for reviewing the material on a regular
basis. The best way to learn the material is to spend enough time thinking about
the homework problems virtually every day as our class progresses. In addition,
you are encouraged to discuss the homework assignments with others, but you must
write up your own solutions and turn them in individually.