Linear Algebra II Syllabus  (Fall 2024)


Professor: Yoonjin Lee

Text: Linear Algebra II by S. Friedberg et al (4th ed.), Pearson 2013

Course requirements: Linear Algebra I

Elementary Linear Algebra by Larson and Edwards, Houghton Mifflin Company
Linear algebra with applications by O. Bretscher, Prentice Hall
Linear algebra by Jim Hefferon (A free linear algebra text in http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linearalgebra/)
Elementary Linear Algebra by Ron Larson (7th ed.), Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning 2013

Course Description:
We assume that students took Linear Algebra 1 course so that they have some background on vector spaces, matrices, linear transformations, systems of linear equations, determinants and so forth. In this second course of Linear Algebra we learn Diagonalization of linear operators and Caley-Hamilton Theorem in Chapter 5. We also study interesting properties of Inner Product Spaces such as the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, normal operators, orthgonal operators, and so on in Chapter 6. Furthermore, we learn the Jordan Canonical Forms in Chapter 7.

Course Outline:
Chapter 5. Diagonalization
Chapter 6. Innerproduct Spaces
Chapter 7. Canonical forms

Grading Scheme: Combination of Absolute and Relative
HW Assignment: 10%
Quiz: 10%
Midterm: 35%
Final Exam: 40%
Attendance (class, TA session) and Attitude: 5%
Presentation: Bonus credit

Schedule of Exams:
Midterm Exam on October 21 (Mon.), 2024
Final Exam on December 11 (Wed.), 2024

Video classes: Sep. 16(Mon.), Sep. 18(Wed.), Oct. 9(Wed.)

Grades and policy:
*  Grading policy: Combination of Absolute scheme and Relative scheme
*  You will be evaluated throughout the whole semester by means of one midterm, a comprehensive final exam, two quizzes and weekly homeworks.
*  Make-up quizzes and exams will NOT be given. NO late homework will be accepted.

Class expectations:
Students are expected to attend all the lectures. You have to spend enough time for reviewing the material on a regular basis. The best way to learn the material is to spend enough time thinking about the homework problems virtually every day as our class progresses. In addition, you are encouraged to discuss the homework assignments with others, but you must write up your own solutions and turn them in individually.