Number Theory Syllabus  (Fall 2024)


Professor: Yoonjin Lee

Office: Science Complex Building B, 313 (Tel: extension 6653)

E-mail: yoonjinl@ewha.ac.kr

Homepage: http://math.ewha.ac.kr/~yoonjinl/

Text Book: Elementary Number Theory and its applications, 6th edition, by Kenneth H. Rosen.

Course requirements: Linear Algebra I (not necessary, but preferred)

Elementary Number Theory by D. Burton

Course Description:

Number Theory was studied for its long and rich history, its wealth of easily accessible and fascinating questions, and its intellectual appeal. But, in recent years Number Theory has been studied for both for the traditional reasons and for the compelling reason that number theory has become essential for Cryptology.

Topics include the integers, divisibility, prime numbers, primality testing, factorization methods, congruences, Diophantine problems, arithmetical functions, Fermat's little theorem, primitive roots, quadratic reciprocity, Diophantine equations, Fermats's last theorem, arithmetical functions and so forth. Applications will be drawn from Cryptology, and Coding theory.

Course Outline:

Schedule of Exams:
Midterm Exam on October 21 (Mon.), 2024
Final Exam on December 11 (Wed.), 2024

Video classes: Sep. 16(Mon.), Sep. 18(Wed.), Oct. 9(Wed.)

Grading Policy:

Projects: The project includes a 8-10 page expository original paper and a class presentation. Suggested project topics and detailed guidelines will be provided in class.

Homework and Quizzes:

"NO" late homework will be accepted.

You have to spend enough time for reviewing the material on a regular basis. The best way to learn the material is to spend some time thinking about the homework problems virtually every day as our class progresses. You are strongly encouraged to do the practice problems as well, but you do not need to hand in the practice problem sets. In addition, you are encouraged to discuss the homework assignments with others, but you must write up your own solutions and turn them in individually. Some selected homework problems may be presented by students in class.

Grades and policy:
*  Grading policy: Combination of Absolute scheme and Relative scheme
*  You will be evaluated throughout the whole semester by means of one midterm, a comprehensive final exam, two quizzes and weekly homeworks.
*  Make-up quizzes and exams will NOT be given. NO late homework will be accepted.

Other class expectations:

The student must attend all the lectures if possible. Your participation in discussion during class will be significantly important for this course.