Yoonjin Lee
Department of Mathematics
Ewha Womans University
photo of Yoonjin Yoonjin Lee
Full Professor
Ph.D. in Mathematics at Brown University

Department of Mathematics 
Ewha Womans University 
52, Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemun-gu,
Seoul, 03760, Republic of Korea

Phone: (02) 3277-6653
Fax: (02) 3277-2289
E-mail: yoonjinl@ewha.ac.kr
Home Page: http://math.ewha.ac.kr/~yoonjinl/
Profile:   Korean     English

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Research Interests :  Number Theory, Algebraic Coding Theory
Curriculum Vitae :  CV 
Number Theory & Coding Theory Lab :  Research Lab 
Teaching Courses for Fall Semester of 2024  Linear Algebra II Syllabus  (lectured in English),  
Number Theory Syllabus  (lectured in English),  
Director of EIMS (Ewha Institute of Mathematical Sciences) since 2022 Ewha Institute of Mathematical Sciences 
Associate Editor of Discrete Mathematics (DM, SCI journal), July 2022 - current Discrete Mathematics 
The 20th President of KWMS (Korean Women in Mathematical Society), 2025 Korean Women in Mathematical Society  
Senior Vice President of KWMS, 2024; Vice President of KWMS, 2023. Korean Women in Mathematical Society  
Chair of the Computational Science Associated Major Program Interdisciplinary Majors: Computational Science  
Chief-In-Editor of BKMS (2017-2018), Associate Editor of BKMS (since 2016) Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 
Vice President for Admissions of Ewha Womans University (June 2017 - Feb. 2021) Office of Admissions, Ewha Womans University 
Leader of BK21 plus team (2013-2020) "Mathematical Science Team for Global Women Leaders" 
2023 KWMS Leaders Forum   October 6, 2023,   Ewha Womans University  
Program committee of ANTS XIII "ANTS XIII: Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium", 2018, 2021  
The 8th KOREA-SINO International Conference on Coding Theory and Related Topics   July 6-8, 2022,   Ewha Womans University  
2021 EIMS International Conference on Computational Mathematics   August 25-27, 2021,   Ewha Womans University  
Intensive Lecture Series by Cunsheng Ding   Dec. 1-3, 2021,   Ewha Womans University  
Intensive Lecture Series by W. Cary Huffman   Nov. 5, 12, 19, 2021,   Ewha Womans University  
Intensive Lecture Series by Sihem Mesnager   Oct. 8, 13, 15, 2021,   Ewha Womans University  
Number Theory Web 
Research Database:  Coding Theory
Number Theory